Friends Like Me
Looking for a Friend
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Looking for a friend?
Fill out the form below and we’ll get you connected with someone as soon as we can.
Preferred Name
What should we call you? This doesn’t have to be your legal
Email Address
We will only use your email to provide updates around your friend request. Will NOT be used for marketing purposes.
How would you like to be contacted by Friends Like Me friends?
SMS (must provide cell phone number)
Session Messaging App (free secure messaging app – no phone number required))
Something else not listed
Other Contact Method
How would you prefer to be contacted?
Session Account ID
If you do not have a Session account, sign up for one for free through this link:
US Cell Phone Number
What are your pronouns?
What is your race/ethnicity
Black / African-American
Asian / Asian-American
Pacific Islander
White / European-American
Hispanic / Latin
Prefer to self describe
Don’t want to share
While this information is optional, providing it allows us to connect folks looking for a friend with people who have similar experiences when it comes to race and ethnicity. Check as many boxes as you’d like or leave this section blank.
Self describe race/ethnicity
How old are you?
While this information is optional, providing it allows us to connect folks looking for a friend with people who have similar experiences when it comes to age..
Would you like to be connected with a friend who is in the same age range as you?
No Preference
Whenever possible, we can try to connect you with a friend who’s in the same age range as you.
Would you like to be connected with a friend who is the same race or ethnicity as you?
No Preference
Whenever possible, we will do our best to connect you with a friend who is the same race or ethnicity as you.
Submit request for friend