Frequently Asked Questions

What is Friends Like Me?

Friends Like Me is a peer-to-peer support platform that connects folks within the trans community to other trans folks with similar backgrounds. Sometimes you just need a friend to talk to who ‘gets it’ or can understand where you’re coming from. Some folks of trans experience may not have a friend in their lives who they can talk to but could really benefit from peer support.

Is Friends Like Me only for BIPOC trans folks?

Friends Like Me is for anyone who identifies as being part of the trans community. While we do try to spotlight the BIPOC trans community specifically, we will not turn anyone away. If you would like to be involved but don’t consider yourself part of the trans community, that’s okay! You can reach out to us at to get more information on how you can get involved.

Is there a minimum age requirement?

Yes, you must be at least 18 years old to participate whether that be as someone looking to volunteer or if you’re looking for a friend.

What countries is Friends Like Me available?

As of right now, Friends Like Me is only available in the US. We are working on expanding to other countries. If you are located outside the US but want to get involved (Yay!), let us know by emailing us at